Welcome to Learn about Hmong, a unique multicultural education site devoted to teaching about the Hmong experience for the purposes of promoting cross-cultural awareness and understanding. Learn about Hmong is also intended to provide greater exposure to the Hmong folk arts tradition.
Learn about Hmong uses online video clips, voice technology, and other multimedia technologies to teach about Hmong cultural arts and the Hmong people. Please check back frequently, the official initial launch of the website occurred in December 2004, extensive updates of new content will be coming throughout late 2006 and early 2007.
Learn about Hmong is an outreach initiative of the Hmong Cultural and Resource Center in Saint Paul in collaboration with Hmongmedia Interactive. The website has been made possible in part through a generous grant from the 3M/COMPAS Award for Innovation in the Arts Program as well as the Asian Pacific Endowment of the Saint Paul Foundation. Click here to contact us with your feedback or questions.

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